Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Foss dagur

Waterfall day, we saw a couple of them, but the remarkable part was canyoning, the water was cold as hell and we had to take our hiking shoes off, so I got Helgi’s shoes (kind of rubber ones, like the boots, but in shoes) because I was unable to walk bare foot over the rocks, but Oliver, Vala, Lisa and some others, were walking bare foot, ouch! Anyway we got to a point which required a little bit of precise movements, but after that we were in front of a pretty nice waterfall (foss). Then we went to the beach (Vik), where the hexagonal shape columns are. I got to see puffins, they are so bad flyers, poor guys, no wonder why they can be caught with a net, and almost any other predator eats them (including the homo erectus). We spend the night at Þakgil, in the middle of a couple of mountains bbqing inside the cave and eating some burgers, naminam!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Caltecas en Islandia
Thursday, July 14, 2005

The last day in Akureyri, Bibba and Hjorleif (and Vala’s brother, but I forgot his name). We had a really good time, and some Icelandic food. Then driving back to Hafnarfjöður. Eyjo had invited us for dinner at his place, he is Hannes’ cousin and works in a fish store, the best fish store in Iceland. He grilled lobster (so much lobster) and some fish sticks. The lobster, is smaller than the one I’m used to eat, but we had at least 10 each, naminam!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
We got here on Monday around
rolling stones

Randomly, Oliver and Vala picked up one mountain and there we were, conquering the top of it, it had on one side the fiord of Akureyri, and a river on the other one. For the first time, I felt happy of bringing my wind-wall jacket, the fleece, the hat, waterproof pants, and the gloves. It was damn windy and cold!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Birthday party...

I believe that in order to know a country, one should go to one wedding and one birthday party. On saturday, we went to Gerdur's mother birthday (60 years). The cherry on top the cake is that they are three doughters who play instruments + they are all married to musicians, so the 6 of them played and sang for her, that was a pretty amaizing!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Gerdur's House

This picture was taken outside Gerdur's house; just imagine having the ocean right in front of you... The only problem is that I used to correlate the ocean with a warm day and here the temperature is about 10 [C]. By the way, I have been typing some stuff about my trip for like 30 min and the weather has changed like 3 times already, sunny then cloudy and suddenly raining (quite strong). Since this will be the last picture of the day, I went to a dinner with some friends of Hannes, we made sushi and we had a nice dinner, then I went downtown Reykjavík with Oliver and Vala� yes, pub crawling, starting at Dubliners (Irish pub), then Circus, and finally Dillon, by 3:30 am it looked like SUNSET, believe me, it was still bright, then we got something to eat and I went to sleep before I started writing a little bit about this trip.
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Antes que nada perdon por cambiar de idioma, pero este viaje lo tengo que compartir con mucha gente, asi que sorry!
This is the view from Greenland, I couldn't believe how white it was, and of course close to the artic circle, there is light all day long... by this time i was so scared of the icelandic weather