Friday, July 15, 2005


Yes it is true, the place; Reykjavík, there, we got the chance to be in a swimming pool where suddenly a girl that looked like Björk (and actualy, was her) was there, in one of the hot pools. The nicest thing is that people respect a lot each other over here. I was tempted to get a sign or something for a friend of mine who is a fan number one, hola Julián jamás me hubiera esperado eso, then I asked the girl next to me, do you think is rude to ask her something…? and she said that it was not a good idea, so I didn’t go, also thanks Hannes, I remembered your words. Anyway, it was really nice to see that famous people can actually have a life.


Blogger Nacho said...

Creo que fue una buena decision no incomodar a la mujer. En todo caso hubieras intentado ligarla, ja.

10:09 AM, July 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo creo que hubiera sido buena idea decirle algo como.....
"Soy de México y alla hay gente que no me creerá que estoy a tu lado"
Acto siguiente te presentas y le presentas tus respetos y a ver que respondía.

11:38 AM, July 20, 2005  

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